Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday Update: Hello :)

How are you all? I am fine and doing good. I just had a lot of tests this past week, and I think I did great. I studied for hours and days and I knew the material. I have also been catching up with old friends from high school and trying to connect with some friends in college. It's always great to have at least one friend there with you in class. I had no one with me for some business event this week and I was all alone. I should have brought one friend, but oh well. I ended feeling like people are watching me and I acted like I was a part of the waiters lol. It's a great feeling to find some friends you haven't heard from for a long time and it brings back good memories. Anyway, I have done nothing in Fiesta. I don't really plan to and I'm not sure if I should continue. I will try to update as much as I can until I just forget about it all. Don't worry though, I'm not leaving just yet haha. The time will be right when the time is right. Good night and aloha! :]

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