Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday Update: MD KQ Lack of DDs, Mission to Eld/Uru, and Level 5x Repeat Parties

Cherrybomb: Nubdateddd...
Description: This is my Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.

Good evening...~!

I was suppose to post this earlier in the afternoon, but I was working on other blog I hope you enjoy those blog posts. This past week, I have been working on my full end characters Pearbomb and Guavabomb. MD kingdom quest has been failing a lot lately because of lack of damage dealers. I wasted 100 tier three potions in one single MD kingdom I'm avoiding that kingdom quest as well as Mara kingdom quest. Enjoy my pictures~!
My attempt at going to Uruga on a nub. Number of attempts: 10. QQ
So, this was my full end cleric clanking in MD kingdom quest. I am full end and there were other DDs in the kingdom quest as well...and well I'm getting tired of using a lot of resources for this kingdom quest. I'm kind of mad when people join the kingdom quest and then there's about half as many people when we all arrive to Mini Dragon. It's very disappointing...
Double luring in 6x abyss. I believe this is a good place to practice multiple luring which will be helpful in black bear parties.
AoEing with guildy. Same guy I was training with in 6x abyss.
Level requirement: 10-150. Level 150? Omg...interesting...
Trying to find ways to get to Elderine on a nub. QQ!
Why Elderine hate us nubs? QQ
Lol..funny mob chat...
Stinky breath!
Ok...MD kingdom quest again. This was the kingdom quest that I used 100 or so tier three potions. Now, while that was a big loss to me in potions...everyone cooperated and listened to me. I was able to communicate to everyone and we didn't give up. So, I'm proud to have been in that kingdom quest even though we was an osm failure.
Repeat party~!
New friend.:]
While our guilds may not be in such a good relation, I was able to make a new friend here when doing repeats. I gave her my drops and she waited for me. Doing repeats alone can be tedious...especially on a full end character.
Some high level archer help with repeats.
Another new friend at vampire repeats. Look at all those vampire bats~!
Lol...funny death...
More high level help...
More high level Must have been a lucky day. I do recall seeing a cricket on my bed the other day.
I don't mind getting help too much these days. I use to reject all help from anyone, but I'm more understanding about it now. Being full end, any help is appreciated. Anyways, that's all for my Saturday Update. I will be leveling Guava and Pear to 60. I'll update my introduction as level 60, but they probably won't be level 60 till tomorrow...and I only update it once a week. I've also just learned how to make videos and how to edit expect to see more videos from me. Here's my YouTube Channel...please subscribe! =p Anyways, I haven't really done a lot this past I hope to achieve a lot of goals and to find more items, but my budget is pretty tight at the moment.

Have a good night everyone...I will see you all next Saturday for another update!

Happy Art: Nature's Aim Bugged Cooldown (video) *UPDATED 7/28/11*

Honeying: Yo Lemonbomb...
Lemonbomb: What?! We are taking a picture.
Honeying: Why you ugly?
Lemonbomb: Wtf? Shhh look at the camera!
Honeying: What's wrong with your face?
Lemonbomb: Stfu, look at the camera or I will...hit you!
Honeying: So it comes to pet abuse?
Lemonbomb: ... Just look happy for the picture.
Honeying: Omg my eyes! >_<
Lemonbomb: Sigh...
Description: This is the Happy Art part of my blog. This shows screenshots, videos, signatures, and other creations that make me happy. These blog posts can be short as the art will do all the talking.

Edit: The skill Nature's Aim has been made kite-able and the bug of the skill Nature's Aim going on CD when changing maps or logging on has been fixed. Good job! If you are still experiencing the problem, just take off the skill from your skill bar and re-add it back. This should help. Thanks to shadowtwisted on the forums for informing us! Thank you OnsOnSoft, OutSpark, and the Fiesta community for working hard on this! I appreciate it all and I'm one very happy archer. Thank you again! :]

Well, this isn't exactly a happy video, but it's a video I made to show the skill Nature's Aim. It is bugged and you can check the video yourself to see what I'm experiencing with this skill...


We Won't Stop by The Brand New Heavies

You can view the video on my YouTube Channel. I will be adding music later on, but right now I have to work on my Saturday Update. Thank you for watching and see you all soon!

Item Discussion: Ranger LN Gears, Selling Tier Five Stones, and My Purchases

Limebomb: All the treasure in the world...
Description: This will be the Item Discussion part of my blog. Anything that has to do with items I find interesting, items that I want, armor, items that I sell, and just items in general...will be posted here.

Good afternoon~!

Just recently, I was able to collect all my LN gears for my ranger. Thanks to the BoE feature... I was able to buy all my LN ranger gears. If there was no BoE feature, I would probably never get all my LN gears as archers in general do not get a lot of parties. First, I will say that it looks osm. Second, I look like...Santa's elf. Now, I don't mind being associated with the big fat jolly man (I hope this doesn't offend you Q.Q) as Christmas is my favorite holiday. I especially love winter time...even though there is no snow here in Hawaii...sigh. Actually, I've been reading that it does snow in Hawaii, but not any where close to me. Anyways, here's my ranger in LN gears:
For the past week, I have been vending off tier five stones. I haven't sold xirs yet, but lix and elrues are good enough. I've made 15g in one day, but that was from all the shining dusts I collected when leveling Cherrybomb. I believe I can make more if I were to purchase some shining dusts like all the other stone makers. Elrues sell for around 250-300s on my server and Lix sell about three gold, but I sold mines at two gold and 900s each and they sold in a few hours. If only I had entered the stone production business earlier...
I'm the one in the nub mushroom. <3
I also bought a 20+8 bow for one gold for my sharpshooter-to-be archer which is currently level 21... ._.
I'm just surprised at how much damage that a 20+8 bow gives on my ranger... I have about 800 or so damage. Also, in my opinion, bows are better looking than crossbows...too bad they suck in comparison when dealing damage.

Just recently, well last night...I spent almost 50-60g on gears...omg >.< That's almost more than half the gem I made earlier last month... Here are the gears I bought (I didn't really mind the fail stats as I needed them)...
Fail GOC axe...
Expensive shield...
So, I bought a GOC +9 axe for 20g and a level 80+9 shield for 40g...for Guavabomb and Lycheebomb. All I need now is a level 60+9 shield...I saw a decent one selling for 20 or so gold in Elderine, but now I don't see that vendor any more. I have seen a godly level 60+9 shield, but the price is currently 1 gem. I probably should've bought a +9 level 70 blue shield because they give about the same defence...just like the cleric's blue shield in comparison to the level 80 shields. However, blue items in general seem to have risen in prices. I have been seeing level 70 blues go for 15g on average on my server...seriously...they use to be one gold from what I can remember. Also, fighter gears are hella expensive...

That's all I want to discuss about items...don't forget to check my Saturday Update which I will post later on today. See you till then!
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