Well, I guess this will be the beginning of my first Fiesta blog. It's a game that I have been playing on and off for three to four years. My forum name is FrostyFruit. The server I am in currently is Bijou and my main at the moment is a mad little archer named Cherrybomb. I will probably update this blog every Saturday and sometimes on Tuesdays. I will probably post about my experiences in Bijou. I'm not sure if I will update this regularly as this is all for fun.
My first game ever was Donkey Kong I think and my first MMORPG was Runescape. The second being Fiesta Online. I really loved the graphics and I chose a cleric as my first ever character. The server I chose was Teva. Go Teva! Hahahaha... I guess I will reflect about my adventure on Teva...as this was my first experiences on Fiesta Online...
This was my stat build of my cleric in Teva...
Thanks to the forums, I was able to have a decent build. I chose a build of 25 spirit, 20 end, and 10 str. I saved the rest so I wouldn't make any mistakes. I put 10 points in strength because at the time clerics soloed orcs in Uruga to level. I remember people would level on Ancient Stonies in Forest of Slumber as a way to level. This was a long time ago and there are much more faster ways to level then it was back then. The production skill I leveled was decomposition and I learned it from my friend, I_Take_A_Kilo. It is 70k at the moment and I am surprised I leveled it that much. No one really leveled their production at the time and I was a clueless nubbbbb back then.
This was my first +9 weapon ever. I never had access to sparkcash back then and I had to pay for the service. It was very cheap though. I payed five gold for it to be +9. I may give it away as I don't want to go back to Teva right now. Who knows? Maybe I will give it to some random nub or make a contest. I have about three gold and some items as well. I also remember vaguely of one person who had acquired many gems in enhancing. It was really extreme and it seemed very expensive.
My best friend was Asramental. We were in a guild called Rush (the 20th guild on Teva) and I was the cause of so many problems. Did you know I pissed off a former CL on the forums? The CL was the guild master of the guild and I started a war. It was also my first war. Lol. I guess I was a troublemaker? I never had any boundaries and I was sort of clueless at the time. I apologize to that person though. Anyways, I had trouble with some douche archer I met in Moonlight Tomb in the Rush guild. She died and blamed me and never forgot it. She leveled exceptionally faster than me. My friend, Asramental, told me that she talked behind my back and she made a guild with her own money (300s at the time) and told me to join her exhibition guild called Crystalis (52nd guild). She remained level 4x and I am sad that I will never see her again. Other friends that I would like to mention would be yoshi_fighter and Issi. It's strange that most of my friends were fighters.
As I leveled more, I joined an awesome guild called GardonOfRecluse (fifth guild on Teva) on my cleric. I used to spell it Garden instead of Gardon haha. I remembered leveling with a mage within the guild named Hyoree. (I didn't know at the time, but this is the name of a South Korean celebrity.) We leveled in 6x abyss I believe and here is some footage of her PvPing...
On my journey in Teva, I was really fascinated by Teva archers. I believe one of the archers was named Winter something. I really loved them all. As I got bored with Teva...I moved on to Apoline. Apoline was ok and I then moved on to Bijou. Bijou was new to me and I had trouble picking a class and a name. I remembered being fascinated by the archers from Teva so I picked an archer. As for my name, I really loved playing Megaman and I thought of bombs for some reason. The word Cherry was random, but it fit perfectly for my archer when I said, "Cherrybomb."
This was the start of many of my adventures and I'm very happy to be on this server...