Nubdated on a Wednesday. u.u |
Description: This is my Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.
It's Wednesday! My second favorite day of the week! I missed posting my Saturday Update on Saturday because I had no Internet connection. Tomorrow, the issue will be fixed, but right now I'm using a SLOW connection. Anyways, during the past week, I was just doing repeat quests and the normal usual stuff. I participated in two events (I won those events) which will be posted most likely tomorrow. Sigh, I couldn't level all my characters and I'm way WAY behind on schedule at the moment. My cleric should be prestige by the end of the month. Unless some miracle were to happen, I don't think I will get Peachbomb to 100 any time soon. There are so many distractions in life, but that's how life is. Anyways, enjoy some memorable pictures!
Congrats LoveYouDown on the wedding! Too bad I missed getting an invitation. I had to wait outside. I love weddings and I actually have a video on one here: Akarii and Cherrybomb's Secret Wedding. |
An iron slime in Sand Beach? :o |
Woah! Mr. Big Dude. The green guy on the right is an ogre. This guy is huge!
I wonder how this bear would compare to a cute phouch... |
I appreciate the buffs! Thank you KaiPhoenix! |
Testing out Nature's Aim. Good job OOS and OutSpark! |
Desert Mushroomsss... |
I've always wondered...why do mounts get the status effect as well?
Poor sheep. QQ |
Tanker at your service! I'm going to to outaggro FatalLace at KKP IF I ever get there! D:< |
Good job Guava! Fatal vs. Guava! Lol... |
Hmm random pictureeeee... |
Team mushroom~! |
Ahh, now I remember this MD KQ. This was one of my favorite MD KQ to date. Much better cooperation and I tanked my best because of it. Good job guys!
Waiting for Robo in MD. I got scolded before for grabbing a lot of mobs. >> |
Got Robo with no mobs behind! ;D Success! |
Tanking... |
I've always wondered WHY we don't bring GGK close to Mini Dragon spawn spot. Why not? We lure all bosses right next to the other bosses. Why not GGK? When I try to lure GGK, everyone starts to become mad at me. :[ I guess it's like Robo KQ and we all go in one room instead of four. Oh wells...
Go Guava! |
You thought you could hide from me prestige cleric... |
ALL alone doing my Senior repeat quest. QQ |
Thank you |Alone| for the buffs! |
New friend. ^^ Although, I kept lagging on her. Sorry...QQ |
Lagged right here, but we survived...haha. |
Well, that's all for my Satur...Wednesday Update! I didn't play a lot and I was working on my blog stuff. I wasn't able to get my goals done as far as levels go. Oh wells... I'm not sure what to do now as I'm one week behind schedule on my goals. Although, I did get a lot of blog posts done! My guild is dead as far as I know...Things are not going the way I expected it to be and just one more month before college starts. I'll probably will not be able to play too much by then. Anyways, there's a good maintenance tonight! Good job OOS and OutSpark! Now if only my Internet connection will be fixed by tomorrow hopefully... Also, I'll probably be changing a few things on my blog and I will be having a signature contest soon! Very soon actually!
See you all until this Saturday or another blog post! Have a good night!