Guavabomb: Here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty... Mini Santa: Careful that's a tiger! Cat: Just give me the fricken fishy...and maybe...just maybe...I'll go down, and be a good kitty. Mini Santa: How do we get the tiger down? I'm scared. :x Guavabomb: Get the tranquilizer Mini Santa. Mini Santa: Someone's being a bad person this year... |
Description: This will be the Tips/Techniques part of the blog. It will help nubs like me to learn something, and to gain confidence as well because I'm a nub, and if I can do it...so can you! It will probably feature achievements, and how I did it. Think of it like a "How to..." entry. Hopefully, you learn something useful from me, and be better prepared with knowledge.
Good Morning!^^
I haven't been able to post for awhile as I had a medical problem related with my body. It was nothing too serious like cancer, but it wasn't minor like the common cold. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this blog entry, and learn something as well~!
In Fiesta Online, I'm pretty sure we all have a goal that we want to reach. Whether it is to gain acceptance into a prestigious guild on your server, getting your first gem, or simply to gain a level in-game. Before you start on your journey, you need to plan everything out. Don't just rush in like a nub to try and kill Helga...big mistake. You need to do the work, and be committed, but once you got the planning down, the work will be very easy. It's just like planning a paper, or making a cake. Prepare, prepare, prepare... Anything is possible if you prepare!
*Ok, before we start, grab a piece of paper and a pencil/pen to take some notes.*
Note: At the bottom of the page, there will be an example of what my planning looks like.
First Step:
What is your goal? Define your goal...define your motivation. If you have no reason to do your goal...then don't do it. It will be a waste of time. Write it down on a piece of paper.
Second Step:
What do you need to achieve your goal? List everything you can off the top of your head of what you think you will need on your journey.
Third Step:
Plan out your short term goals throughout the month. A calender is definitely recommended. Having a goal each day will let you become focused, and it will tell you what to do instead of wondering what to do for today. You can plan short and long term goals...it's all up to you. I generally prefer long term goals, and spread out my short and long term goals together. Having a calender/planner is actually a good idea to have in high school and in college.
Fourth Step:
Once you have a goal, a schedule, and everything you need for your journey...it's time to start to do the work! Ok, for some people it's difficult to start here. My advice...don't think about it too much, and don't give yourself excuses. Clean and organize your place, and it's basically just you and Fiesta. Nothing else. No distractions. Have a cup of water (or coffee...whatever you prefer) close to you, and start working! Always look at your calender of what you have to do for today, and work on achieving that goal. Always remember why you are doing what you are doing (check your goals and motivation from time to time).
Fifth Step:
This does not require you to write this down because you should be doing this daily. Take care of yourself, and maintain hygiene. Don't forget your other responsibilities: your family, your friends, and especially yourself. Write all of your goals on your calender (including Fiesta Online goals). Few tips: drink at least eight ounces of water a day, don't eat too much sugar as this can crash you, and get eight hours of sleep. Always remember that your body, mind, and soul need to be taken care of, and that you're not stressed out. Keyword: balance. Also, a 30 minute walk three-four days a week will help with stress.
Sixth Step:
Focus! Keep on working on your goal! Don't let your friends distract you, but don't ignore them either. This goes back to step number five. Don't forget you're responsibilities in real life, and keep your head in the game. Just tell you're friends, "I have to do this for myself"...and they will understand, hopefully. This is a personal goal that is for you, and no one else. Make it up to your friends later on, but when all is planned...it's just you. Sometimes things don't go as plan, so be prepared for those days.
Seventh Step:
Believe~! I know it sounds like some Disney shiz, but it does work! Many think that they cannot do it, and get discouraged. I'm telling you that you can do it! XD It's all in the mind, and also the right attitude. Be positive that you can do it, and be strong. I thought I would only reach level 100 on my archer, but I believed that I could get to level 105...and I did! Don't give up, and have your friends in-game support you.
Example of what my planning looks like for a week:
My long term goal:
I want to get level 90 on my full end fighter Guavabomb. I want to reach level 90 so that I can tank for my guildies. Lately, there haven't been a lot of good tankers in Isya, and also in my guild as well. I'm doing this for my guild! D:<
What do I need to accomplish my goals for the week?
Hmm, I know I can't get level 90 in a week unless I get powerleveled for 10g an hour. Hmm...no no no...lol. For this week, I aim to get to level 56 at least...if not that's ok. It's kind of a busy week for me, and I've been going to the doctor a lot.
I need:
-Five gold for scrolls and potions
-At least three to five hours a day to do my repeats
-SC is not necessary as I get repeats from level 50-55 according to what RikoRain's guide (link at the bottom of my blog) says
-Elderine scrolls! I got two stacks, but I need like three stacks more I guess
-Cure potions because of vampire bats
Is there anything else that I need???
Hmm, I believe this is fine for the week :]
Where am I at now? Current level: 50. Goal: level 56.
July 2, Saturday (today):
-Check forums, FatalLace' blog, Twitter, Facebook...talk with guildies and friends
-Eat a good breakfast...no candy or ice cream QQ
-Chores, take a shower, brush teeth
-Do my repeats, and get to level 51
-Work on Saturday Update
-Watch some anime~Chill~Relax~Set up vendor
-Work on Guava, and get 30%
July 3, Sunday:
-Same as yesterday
-Vendor for a bit
-If I feel a bit lazy on Saturday, and couldn't get 30%...I'm gonna try to reach level 52 to make up for it
-30 minute walk
July 4, Monday:
Independence day! Woot!
-I don't plan on training a lot as I might go out with my family
-I plan on vending all day
-If I do have time, I'll try to get 30%
July 5, Tuesday:
-Vending day
-Get 30% or so
-Maintenance u.u
-Work on blog entry possibly
-30 minute walk
July 6, Wednesday:
-Work on getting to level 53
July 7, Thursday:
-If I don't reach level 53, today is the day to reach it
-Going to get to level 54, and some %...I believe I got a lot of free time today
-30 minute walk...might get stressed a lot
July 8, Friday:
-Get to level 55! I will do some quests if I get bored of repeats
-If I reach level 56, I will be spamming all my saved quests
Next goal: Level 60, and level up quest!
Note: It's best to plan out goals that may require some difficulty. This is just an example. Don't make it too complicated, and make it simple for yourself. It's a game after all, but use this if you do have some difficulty on a goal! It only takes 10-20 minutes of your time, and it will help you for a whole week or even a month...it's a great investment to yourself.
Also, remember...
To also have time to relax! Take a shower...lolz. Be realistic! Don't think you will get level 1-100 in a week. Maybe if your a freak, but be realistic, and gather the right information. In my opinion, it's always better to be over prepared than under prepared, and it will make the journey that much easier. Also, expect failures to happen, and know that everything won't go as planned. If this does happen, be proud that you were working towards a goal, and you got something done at least. When I was trying to get to level 105 on Cherrybomb, my laptop charger broke, and I couldn't charge my battery when I was at level 103-104, and I couldn't play Fiesta for two weeks or so while my Sparkcash items were expiring. I QQed the whole time, but I eventually got to level 105. :]
That's it! Good luck with your goals. You can also use this for other goals not related to Fiesta. If you guys need help with preparations, I'm here to help you. Although, I'm not going to do it for you because that's your responsibility. =p Also, don't forget my Saturday Update which will be posted later on today. See ya folks latahh~!