Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives! |
Description: This is my
Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.
Hi guys, I have a few pictures and I have been playing a little over the week. Just now, I was at my family's party. I ate a lot and I'm a bit tired at the moment. I just arrived now and there's like seven minutes till the next day starts. Anyway, I will be editing this post later on with what has been happening over the week. See you all in a moment!
Edit: Well, here's my update!
I have been playing around with some of my characters and I was just checking out what's happening in my guild and what's happening in Bijou. There was an experience boost, drop boost, and KQ experience boost activated yesterday. It's a very good timing for me. I didn't really accomplish much this week as I've been resting most of the time this week, but I'm ready to start playing for real starting tomorrow. Anyway, here are a few pictures I've taken.
This was the first log in I have made after many weeks. I was surprised about the snow map change. I think it was implemented this Tuesday. It's very beautiful. |
I still have my costume on Guavabomb from like a month ago. |
Snow in Uruga. |
Costume disappeared... it's very cold... |
FOS KQ with my friend. Someone opened the gate too early. The glitch is still here... |
We were able to pass the obstacle together. |
Success! I've noticed that the big guy dies faster now. I'm guessing it's because of the LH weapons... |
After KQ, I went to gamble, but I realized that I was short on cash... |
For those who celebrate Christmas, merry Christmas! I really like the way the words look. |
Thanks for reading. I plan to play my holy knight and my fighter. I'll be making another post of my goals soon. Happy holidays everyone and I will see you all next week. Bye!