Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives! |
Description: This is my
Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.
Good evening~!
Nice to see you all again. :] It's Saturday and Fall semester is almost ending. I'm getting a lot of free time and I am able to play more now, but I will still be busy with school just not as much in the beginning of the semester. This week, I have been at Lucky House and I have been training Guavabomb. Other than that, nothing much. Well, here are some pictures I have taken over the week. Enjoy!
It's a bit difficult to concentrate here... |
Who activated the firework? Not me! |
Wow... I didn't know there was a storage dude inside Lucky House. =.= |
I'm still grinding in 7x abyss. |
Boom! |
While grinding, I found out about the auto pickup button. I'm blind. |
For Guavabomb, I decided to buy her a Revolutionary Steampunk costume. |
I found out that you are only allowed to buy 10 items a day with your views. |
Hmmm, so these are the stats. It would be great if there was a description. The stats doesn't really help Guavabomb... |
I personally like this costume a lot. |
Nice picture. :] |
Some archers appeared at the spot I was grinding at. So, I went to the north room to grind. |
I found out that the north room is not that bad. I actually find this to be a very good spot for my fighter. Although, a few mages came and I had to move or I would have died possibly lol. |
Level 65! Woot. :] |
That ends all of my pictures. I will continue to work very hard to reach level 70. I hope you guys are having a great weekend and I hope you all have a good night. See you all next week!