Papayabomb: Omg, run horsey! Run like the wind! |
Description: This is the Random part of my blog. This features creative posts, and well...random stuff.
No, I'm not going to talk about Pokemon, but maybe another time! I was watching Avatar the Airbender the other day and I was inspired to do a blog post about the elements. Avatar is a kid show, but it's a very good kid show! It's very beautiful and the content is also great. It has a lot of meaning and if you watch the whole series, you can tell how much work was put into it. As for the movie, I haven't watched it, but I heard it sucked. Haven't you noticed that most movies based on cartoons/anime that are made in America suck compared to the cartoon/anime series? For example, Dragonball Z. The movie wasn't so great from what I can remember. A movie that is in production right now I believe is Bleach and I hear Zac Efron is going to be the main star. Sometimes, I think these type of movies are just mainly to make money and take advantage of our cartoon/anime interests. Hmm...
Anyways, sorry for the off-topic part, but I just wanted to share that. The focus of this blog post will be on Earth and Water. If I could describe my element best, it would be Earth. Earth can symbolize rough, rigid, rules. Earth involves the body and it involves animals, land, and anything that contains matter. Work is an earthly matter and we must keep on working to sustain our earthly needs. We need rules and regulations in the work place so that work moves on smoothly and without disruption. To gain something that is earthly, we need to work in an earthly manner. So, what is this earthly manner that I speak of? Some of you may not like it, but in order to gain something, you need to work for it and you need to be consistent. You need rules, regulations, or standards to work with. That is one reason why I believe we have rules in the work place and of course to avoid chaos. The emphasis that I'm trying to make is that we need rules to get work done. There are probably other ways to do work, but doing work in an earthly manner is the main way that most work gets done.
Here are examples below to show how people achieve things with earthly characteristics:
Athletes. They have to work hard and they need knowledge. They take advice from a health professional and they have to eat the right foods everyday. They work in an earthly manner by doing a routine each day. Sure, they can have a fiery passion to do some things, but fire is not consistent like earth. No one does
jobs more better than an earthly person. They do the job and they do it everyday. This is earth's main territory.
School. Which students are known for doing well in school? Asians. Before I give an explanation, I would like to note that not all Asians are smart and that thinking they are all smart, while it may seem like a good stereotype, is still a stereotype. I believe we should look at people individually instead of grouping people up together. Anyways, the reason why Asians are perceived to be smart and are good at school is because of the hard work that they do. They are very earthly in doing their education. Knowledge is something gained in an earthly way. You need to read books to gain knowledge. Also, what do Asian students have in common? A strict parent. These parents know how to work and they have earthly rules and standards placed on to their children. I believe to succeed in school, having a fiery passion is one thing, but having earthly standards will definitely make you succeed. Not that I'm saying that only Asians do this. Has anyone ever had a friend that had a strict parent? Did they do good in school? I'm assuming yes. So, to succeed in school, you need to do it an earthly strict way. There's just no other way in getting good grades, unless you cheat your way there.
People losing weight. In order to get the earthly result of losing weight, you need to do it in an earthly manner which are rules, standards, and setting expectations for yourself everyday. Rule #1: No eating late at night. Rule #2: Do not eat sweets such as cupcakes. Rule #3: Exercise 30 minutes a day. Maintaining health is also another earthly thing you should be doing for the rest of your life. With that being said, that relates to my next example.
Hygiene. We all practise hygiene, correct? I hope we ALL do. Anyways, we are consistent with brushing our teeth and by washing ourselves each day. It can be best described as earthly by the routines we do each day. It's an earthly matter we must do for the rest of our lives. Ever wonder why some people have beautiful skin? Clean faces? Muscles? It's because of earthly activities that they do each day. It is because of hard work. Unless, you have good genes... there's really no other way to accomplish these earthly results besides surgery and steroids, but these are big decisions and doing small activities would help you more in life than fixing your problems with money. Just do the work.
So, how exactly do we achieve our goals in a company, a school, a group, or something personal? It's by having standards, rules, regulations, and expectations. How do we achieve higher goals? It's by having higher standards. That concludes my explanation about earth. What about water? Water, to me, is the emotions. It is the soul. It is emotional and it is understanding.
Now, with high earthly standards, we can achieve a lot, but I also find a problem with being too earthly or too rigid. Earth needs water to loosen it up. While earthly activities are important to keep on surviving, we also have to remember why we are doing these earthly activities in the first place. Just working can really be a very boring thing. In life, there is much more to life than just work and possessions. Remember, why you are doing the work in the first place?
The world is beautiful and big and we shouldn't focus only on the rules. Rules are set in stone to guide us. Their purpose is to get work done, and we all do work to sustain our lives. We are working for our life. So, what about life do you feel emotional about? Is it your family? Your friends? Your pets? We all have a reason to work. Even though you lose weight, or get the good grades, or have beautiful earthly items, it's just items and there's more to life than work and material possessions. A person that is just earthly has no soul if I can explain it best, and is prone to being depressed, and that person may lose their motivation for working. Remember, balance is important. We need to take care of our body, our mind, and soul.
Another problem with being an earthly type of person is being too rigid and not understanding of others. With earthly type of people, they tend to think that there is only one way and there is no other way in doing something. I believe that there are many ways in achieving a goal and that many people can contribute. Earth people need a bit of water to be more understanding and to be less rigid in their beliefs.
People also tend to forget the real purpose of certain institutions because of rules and regulations. Water will help rigid people understand what each institutions were made for. For example, school is a place to learn and if that is ever forgotten, then the person will have failed the school's expectation. Another example is religion, I don't want to get into a religion debate or anything, but something about some religious people is that they are too focused on the rules and standards set in stone, and forget the real reason of what religion is all about. Rules and regulations are important for progress and life, but they are not everything there is to life. What life means to you is all up to you. Hopefully, you never lose the meaning of your work. In my opinion, there's more to the world than rules and regulations. There is love, life, community, and many more things. The thing about earthly type of people is that sometimes they don't see the whole picture and only focus on one aspect such as rules or just work.
Anyways, one earthly matter that I didn't attend to was my Saturday Update. I feel disappointed in myself. I made this rule that I would do a Saturday Update every Saturday. I missed posting my Saturday Update because I lost Internet connection for about three days. This is the first time I missed my Saturday Update, but no worries. It was just a guideline to help me blog and post. The rule served it's purpose, and I will still continue to post each Saturday. This is another thing about earthly matters. Random things will happen in your life and sometimes there's nothing you can do about it. My advice for these random events in life is don't dwell on the past, keep on moving, and what's more important is what you do.
What are you? Are you an earth person? Or are you a water person? Or are you both? What % is earth and water? Or are you not an earth or water person at all?
Comments are welcomed. :] Thanks for reading and I'll post my update soon! Hopefully, nothing stops me this time. >.<