Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives! |
Description: This is my
Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.
Hi everyone...!
I have been playing on my fighter Guavabomb for the past week. I reached level 61 the other time and so I was able to do the level 61 Crystal Castle Zombie repeats. I bothered my brother to party me so I could enter Crystal Castle and finish my repeats by myself. We had to reparty like 10 times until we got to the Zombie floor. So, thanks to my brother I was able to level from level 61 to 64 in a couple of hours. This past week, I was only able to do Crystal Castle because I'm sort of busy. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the pictures I've taken.
I finally got the Zombies! |
Lol... Just when I killed one Zombie the Zombie says,"Oh!". It made me laugh the first time I saw it. |
Run from the scary Zombie! I've noticed that I like to run (or kite) a lot. Even on my Saturday Update picture and my Random picture... I am running haha. Perfect timing for Halloween! |
Time to face my fears! |
Axe mode. D:< |
Me trying to copy the statue behind me. I look less majestic... |
Level 63! |
Opps... I brought two... Run away! >< |
Well, Crystal Castle restarted again and I don't know the reason why. I had to wait for my brother to log in and here I am AoEing Orcs for fun... yay. |
After some time of Orc killing, I found a way to restart Crystal Castle by waiting outside a couple of minutes until I got this message. I would click yes so I can restart the dungeon without quiting the party and bothering my brother like five times an hour lol. |
However, I got DCed I believe after some time and maintenance was in 30 minutes or so. I didn't want to bother my brother anymore so I went on to get my last few % in 70 abyss. |
Level 64! Although, I was too slow to take the picture. QQ |
That's all my pictures! Believe it or not, these were all taken on Tuesday. I have a bad habit of taking too many pictures... I couldn't really play this past week because I have school. I really want to post more on the forums, but at the moment the forums are dull. I will be working on my MVP video tomorrow. I'm not sure when I will finish, but I hope I can finish it on the same day. I plan to level Guavabomb to 70. (Beware!) I am so close, but my mid-terms are next week. Oh yeah, it's almost Halloween! There have been a few changes within the game which includes some changes on the maps and some new monsters as well. Although, Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but Christmas is. During December, I plan to blog a little more, post more on the forums, and play more. This October, I'm just way to busy to do anything right now...
Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy your evening or morning or afternoon. See you all next week!