Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives! |
Description: This is my
Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.
Hey hey... :]
I was able to get level 96 on my cleric! That's about four levels this past week. That's more faster than I was leveling on my archer. This past week was mostly grind parties with people I know and it's very difficult to find good tanks these days. Other than that, nothing much happened to me. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures I'm going to share below.
Me and CHriSSy against Shadow Master! |
Waiting for someone to pull the boss while we wait here in our mushrooms. <3 |
Rangers are very good for LN grinds as they can scout the area around with hide. Also, guardians are also very helpful with their automatic revive skill. Yay for LN! |
Here comes the ranger! Here comes the ranger! |
This slime gave helpful advice and I killed him. No wonder monsters hate us. |
LN grind with CHriSSy and her bebe, 13oA. |
LN grinding! With the 25% experience boost, I was getting four million experience every two minutes. That's about 100 million experience an hour (with 100% experience boost of course). |
Dying left and right lol. |
Don't mess with Levi or he (she?) will bite your head off. QQ |
Dismantling a level 108 weapon for some karis. |
Success! I'm with CHriSSy only for this KQ. Duo for the win. :] |
Love the mountains and the sky. |
Dead mage is a dead mage. |
Interesting statue. |
Go Bea! |
Killing the crab so we can eat dinner. D:< |
Omg, 13oA killed the wrong head! Lol nub moment! D:< |
CHriSSy's reaction after 13oA killed the wrong head lol. |
Thankfully, 13oA was able to get Leave_Me_Alone to help us kill the mobs very fast. |
Pervert... |
Lazy on the job. z.z |
I forced Bea to join my LN party so that Bea could get prestige. |
Bea does not know what's happening. Guess this is Bea's first time doing a LN grind. |
3...2...1...dead. |
Cool picture IDK haha. |
Everyone died, but at least Bea got to level 100! Congrats on gladiator. :] |
Yum! My breakfast! For some reason, LN is full of yummy looking things to eat. :] |
Archers are very useful as they can tank and kite a lot of mobs whereas tankers tank like two to three mobs lolz. This past week, I've been noticing lots of people inviting archers for LN. Now, if only people invited archers for SL. I know of one exception, but still! I would like a SL party too sometimes... QQ Love the SL video by the way Faytal. =p |
Clerics standing around doing nothing. Hmm... I wonder why. Are they plotting something? What are they planning? Or maybe they are just AFK. Or maybe not? Hmm...lol. |
Snake party in AR. Woot! :[] |
Change of plans. We went to LN instead. |
Nichiyo's glitch stance. She looks awesome though. |
I wonder why I'm getting a crit buff. I guess it's a glitch from Levi (a good one by the way haha). I can't wait for prestige! |
I'm on my ranger here trying to clear the LN path. The two behind me are my KQ buddies. They are dual comping and I'm the tanker/DD/awesomeness. |
The first mini boss of LN is way more difficult than the second mini boss. If you can tank the first one, then the second one should be no problem. 4,500 defence is good enough to tank all the bosses in LN. |
Levi's probably the easiest boss to tank in this whole dungeon. When you progress in LN, the difficulty level is backwards in my opinion. |
This is the reason why rangers are very good for LN parties: hide. Rangers can scout the area for mobs and to be able to locate and kill the red eggs which spawn more mobs (more experience). Also, the mobs do not recover (if they do you will lose the experience) or run back when an archer poisons them. Rangers are by far the best lurers. I believe guardians are also very helpful (automatic revive buff) for mages that may die in one hit and they are able to revive instantly and get the experience. Also, sometimes when a cleric dies then self reviving yourself is helpful as dying will waste a lot of time when going back. These are the reasons why I love LN! |
Woot level 95! Got a new skill, mighty chop. |
Bea tanking for us. :] |
Lol, funny picture. |
QQ... |
In Cave of Memories. |
Just saying hi to a friend while murdering a monster. :] What a wonderful day! Lolz... |
Trying to figure out how to get my Mimic repeat. I asked my friend XxShagrathxX to help me kill Crazy Mimic on accident. Well, at least I don't have to kill that crazy a** Mimic all alone. D:< |
The beginning of my Mimic repeat parties. Hmm, I'm not so sure how to feel. This was my goal last week. However, I'm going to have to deal with Mimic AFKers, Mimic stealers, and long hours of no drops. What fun! |
Thanks again XxShagrathxX for all the help again. :] |
That concludes all my pictures! Next week, school is going to start for me. I couldn't get most of goals done, but I got some done. I'm really not so sure if I can play a lot in-game anymore. This past week was a really fun week. Now, I will just be doing mimic repeats and the occasional LN parties if I can get some. It's just so hard finding a good tank...
I really want to hit prestige on my cleric. I'm not so sure if I want to level her past level 102 though. Also, I need to get my LN gears and maybe even SL gears for her. Other goals I really want to achieve is to get Guavabomb to level 80 (first I need to challenge Fatal's fighter of course). Hmm, oh yeah FatalLace is doing an event in Bijou. If you haven't seen the thread yet, here it is:
WEEKLY EVENT - Bijou's Civil War. I'll try to advertise it or something and I'm definitely joining the blue team. It looks like fun and it gives me a chance to possibly fight Fatal on a nub. Woot! D:< This is my rare chance ohohoho... Well, that's if she joins the fight...haha. Hmm, the first war is on my birthday. Not sure if I can join that as I might go out with my family. That reminds me, I joined Fiesta around my birthday in 2007. So, I've been on Fiesta for four years now! Woot!
Well guys, thank you and it has been a fun summer vacation. I experienced both bad and good experiences and I learned from them. I have met lots of people and I have a closeish friend from Singapore. She reminds me of Sharlyne. I'm going to be taking Chinese this semester and maybe she could help me with Chinese as my friend Sharlyne helped me with Spanish. The thing with Chinese is that it's difficult for English speakers to learn compared to other languages. Here's the reasons why it's difficult:
Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard by David Moser. I'm kind of excited to learn it though. Have a good night all! :]