Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday Update: Taking a Short Break

Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives!
Description: This is my Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.

Good evening!

Well, not much going on this week. The battery for my laptop hasn't arrived  yet and I haven't been able to play. I also haven't been visiting my blog or the forums lately. I just had my first week of school and everything is prepared and I'm starting to study and get ready. I can start playing once I get my battery. Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying the start of a new school year. If you don't have school, lucky you. =p Well, see you all next week. Good night!

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