Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Small Update: Back to School!

Cherrybomb: Small Update!
Description: This is a Small Update. These updates tend to be small and their main purpose is to inform you guys of what's happening now and anything important going on at the moment. These updates are just like Saturday Updates, but with less pictures and content.

Hi guys!

It's a bit late where I live, but I just wanted to tell you guys that I will be starting school very soon in about four hours. Just recently, I was in a LN party and it sure sucked so bad. I left the game to blog this and because the fail was so strong in that don't even know! Anyway, thanks for visiting and reading my blog over the summer. Also, much thanks to FatalLace.

Plans I have for now is to make a guide of my own so that I can help people with something. I will start on it when I reach prestige on my cleric and I have free time in between my classes. Problems I'm having trouble with right now is space as you can see with my pictures on my blog. Plus, Fraps is taking a lot of space as well. Bleh. Well, see you all soon and thank you very much.

Much hate,

Just joking...

Much love,


  1. O__O thanks to me, why? That I inspired you to spend more precious hours of life tapping away at your keyboard writing about the everyday occurrences in Fiesta life? Haha! Well you're welcome!

    I really need to get into more of the LN grindfests... I'm wondering if I can do it solo using multiple accounts on two computers... hmmm *schemes*

    Anyway, have a great first day back, hope the traffic isn't particularly sucky.

    RE: Images... have you tried uploading directly to your blog? Dunno how that would work out, but I know it gives you the option when you insert your pictures. Photobucket's a bit easier for cataloging though.... but anyway, have a great morning and a great day nub-nub.

    <3'ing the ZERO traffic in Maui,

  2. Maybe you can make a video on that LN solo... Would be interesting and thanks for the tip..Ill try it this saturday.

    Lol w.e I love traficc!!!! qq


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