Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives! |
Description: This is my
Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.
Good evening everyone!
Today is Saturday and it has been a great week. My signature contest is coming to an end. My days in Dragon Tomb is over on my cleric Peachbomb. My summer vacation is coming to an end soon. When school does start I will be posting more on the forums probably with my new signature! I may also be vending more. Also, my guild has been reborn! I am happy that it has returned. So many changes this past week... Well, I hope you enjoy my favorite pictures of the week.
So many people asking for a buff... |
Haha, I scared my friend, CHriSSy_Girl. |
BMM doesn't like CHriSSy_Girl. :[ |
The mob died funny lolz. |
Waiting...lalala... |
Leveled. :] |
Lol! CHriSSy... |
Lol, potatoes burn! D:< Turn into potato chips! |
So close to dying. |
Funny face. |
Slime face for the win~! |
Twins... |
Fighting the strong red slime in Forest of Tides. |
My first time in LN. |
In Helga's Tomb |
Cool pose haha... |
Treasure chest in FOS. |
Cool looking tree... |
Cornelius up atop the stairs haha. |
Something smells. |
These guys don't seem to notice Peach. |
Guess not... See you soon random person! |
Love this place! |
Welcome back Doby! Welcome back DaBarKadz! |
Mini boss hates CHriSSy haha. |
We love you...now give us our pants! |
Guild meeting. :] |
Love this picture. |
Lol at CHriSSy's reaction! |
Last DT party. |
Leveled! |
Farewell DT~! |
In 9x KQ with guildy. |
Doing one of my saved quests and an archer is helping me out lol. |
Interesting wand. This reminds me of that chocolate factory movie... |
Love this place. |
Something interesting in FOS and omg I just realised Peach's bulky armor. |
More 9x KQ... |
That concludes all my pictures. There were many fun and interesting things that I did this past week. I'm kind of sad that I won't be able to do DT parties anymore and now what's left is the long grind to level 95. Next week, I'm going to level Guavabomb possibly and I will still be leveling Peachbomb. Then, I will level Berrybomb and maybe even Melonbomb if I have the time. I'm running out of time to play Fiesta and I will try to accomplish as much goals as I can. With the return of my guild, I have to do some things to help the guild out and it will take a bit of my time. I'm not sure if I can get Peachbomb to prestige before college starts. Something else I want to add is that leveling one of the fastest leveling classes to one of the slowest leveling classes is a different experience. At least I get parties which I enjoy a lot. Anyway, thanks for reading! Have a good night!
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