Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday Update: DT parties, Interesting People, and Funny Chat

Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives!
Description: This is my Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.

Good evening~!

This past week has mostly been DT parties for my cleric Peachbomb. I gained about three levels on Peachbomb and I have been in DT parties for many hours. The ratio of good to bad DT parties is five to one. So, I'm lucky to have a lot of good DT parties this past week. Other than that, I haven't been doing anything else. On the forums, I do have a contest going on. For those interested, here it is: Cherrybomb's Contest (signature). I got about three entries so far and I'm happy that it's going well. I also am very interested in this YouTube video: Dancing to Love & Joy. I find the video very interesting with the character being able to dance like that and also how one of the most popular dances on a poll (Shake the WHAT?! thread) may end up looking in the game. Anyways, enjoy my favorite pictures of the week!
Dungeon Cornelius! D:<
Her outfit looks interesting!
I ruined a song in party chat. QQ
jin_tashima is a very good tanker for someone who uses an axe.
Trixter tanker! The tanker's name is PrinceOfViolence. I wonder what we call trixter tankers...
The mini boss got frozen. Interesting...
BMM mini boss!
I love this picture.^^
Cornelius traps the tanker...
Attacking the boss! Yeah, I'm a fail cleric. D:
I like her costume.
Interesting character!
I like the view from here.
Haha...nice picture.
They look like twins.
Wow, four mages in a party...
Mining in DT!
Clanker for the win!
Level up!
I thought this was a level 50 cleric, but it's some level 80 cleric.
Love this party. :]
Magic blast looks interesting here.
Lolz Chrissy.
Cute picture. :]
I don't know, but this picture made me laugh a bit.
LOL. Umm, I reject...
Peachbomb in AR.
Funny chat lolz. xD I really like this party.
Omg the boss killed him. QQ
Funny chat again. xD
Some dude accused of taking DT drops too early.
Running for our lives again!
Level up!
I just noticed that Rick was moved to here.
The love the animation of rejuvenate here.
Praying for disconnect...
My archer for Fatal's recent event. I was already level 10 at the start of this event.
Level 20!
I enter naked to do the promotion quest for Fatal's event!
When I noticed the event on the forums, I didn't know whether to join or not, but I wanted to try for fun. I already had 1000s of potions on my other characters and I had a level 10 archer already. Do you think I will pass or succeed? Here's the video: Fiesta Online~ Tough Cookie Video Challenge - Archer Promo (Naked) Attempt . Thanks for doing the event FatalLace. It was something different than just doing DT all week.

Well, that's all my pictures. I got quite a lot of pictures haha. It was mostly DT parties, but I had many different types of experiences. Next week, I will still be leveling my cleric Peachbomb to prestige. My contest will also still be going on. I still have a lot of things planned and of course I plan to challenge Fatal's fighter in KKP!

Have a good night everyone! See you all later!

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