Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives! |
Description: This is my
Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.
Good afternoon!
I am in the process of editing my MVP entry as I write this and so far so good! The deadline is in three days or so, and I'm glad I had the time to work on an entry and finish it. (For those interested in my entry, it's at the bottom of this post. Enjoy!) The making of my entry took me about 20 hours or so total spread out to three days which gave me a large headache for three days. Although, I couldn't resist the fun of making my entry and sharing it to the OutSpark community. In the process of making my entry, I first thought of doing Titanic in where Jack and Rose are "flying". Here's the scene I wanted to portray...
Although, it was too epic for me to copy and I couldn't find anyone to do this with me. Also, I can't seem to find any place to resemble the place that this scene takes place in at all or make actions that resemble their actions. After some thought, I wanted to do Jurassic Park! Rawr!
This movie is probably one of my favorite movies from the past. Although, the problem with trying to re-create most scenes from Jurassic Park is finding out how to get dinosaurs in my scenes. In the video above, I wanted to re-create this scene of running dinosaurs. An idea of mines to try and copy this scene was to try and gather a whole bunch of phouches or any monster and record them as dinosaurs as they run back. I also thought of going to Burning Rock because there are dead dinosaurs there and try to re-create a scene in the beginning of the movie which is around 0:14 in this YouTube clip below:
Choosing a movie for my entry was a bit difficult. For a few days, I kept thinking of the "right" movie to choose. I looked at all the other entries and most were for adults. I kept on searching on YouTube for ideas and I kept checking back on the
MVP thread for ideas. I skimmed a few posts and
this post gave me some sort of inspiration if I can describe my feeling best. I decided I wanted to do my entry based on an animated movie!
I was not sure what I wanted to choose for my entry though. I thought of choosing a Japanese animated movie of some sort. Japan produces a lot of quality animated movies compared to the rest of the world. I also thought of doing some Korean drama based entry just for fun. At the moment, I am hit by the
Korean Wave so I like anything to do with Korea. (If anyone is interested in Korean culture, then please visit
Ask a Korean's blog who provides a lot of insight about Korea.) Here's a Bobby Lee spoof of Korean dramas lolz:
However, my main concern was if the OutSpark community would be familiar with a Japanese animated movie (I also don't know of many) or even a Korean drama at that. Although, I was determined to pick an animated movie for my entry. It had to be an animated entry!
After much research on YouTube, I stumbled onto some Disney movies. At that point of time, I knew I was going to make my entry based on old animated Disney movies. After laughing and crying at my childhood memories, I finally chose my movie. My entry was to be based on Mulan.
Why Mulan? It was one of my favorite Disney movies of course and one of the songs in the movie was very memorable. I also identified more with Mulan than any other old animated Disney movie. Also, the scene that I was basing my entry on was easy to find similar places around Isya. The moment I saw the scene that I was going to work on, I knew of all the places that were actually very similar as if Isya was based on Mulan.
I then started working on my entry after finding the "right" movie. I wanted it to be simple and short and to show places in Isya as very beautiful since the art in Mulan is very beautiful and created well. I wanted to create a similar atmosphere. I had to slow down a few scenes as the scene I chose was very slow and not as fast as the other entries. The scene I chose to replicate starts at 0:55 in the clip below:
Here's the Mandarin version of Reflection. This gives me a chance to review for my Chinese class. Hehe... I personally think that the Chinese version suits Mulan more when she sings Reflection since Mulan is based off of China. Although, Lea Salonga's version is better in my opinion considering that she is a great singer...
I had a bit of trouble trying to imitate the first part of the video so I was limited on the second half of the video. I couldn't find people to play the parents of Mulan and also the cricket and the horse. As for choosing the role of Mulan, it was a difficult process. Lots of pretty faces, but none of them were fit for the role. Out of many contestants, I chose Jujubebomb from the server Cypion. (Sorry Bijou!) Just a little background information about Jujubebomb's name, Jujube fruits can be found from Asia or South Asia and around China. So Mulan and Jujube had a connection in the place they are from. Plus, Jujubebomb had characteristics similar to Mulan. I couldn't imagine using Cherrybomb (red-headed tiny ranger on the background of my blog) to play Mulan.
Another reason why I chose Jujubebomb was that the scene of Mulan singing Reflection (the real singer behind Mulan singing is Lea Salonga, one of my favorite singers from the Philippines aside from Charice... Filipinos are very good singers) took place after she met with her matchmaker. As in, she met with some fat lady to meet her future husband. Scene:
So the reason Mulan is disappointed in the Reflection video is because she failed and let her family down as you can see in the video above. This is just some background information about the scene I chose. Jujubebomb's costume fits very well with the situation that Mulan had experienced just recently with the matchmaker. Her costume is the red wedding costume and so Jujubebomb was probably the best choice I had to play as Mulan. I didn't want to pay money to get a character to look similar to Mulan as I already had Jujubebomb!
Anyway, it's almost Halloween! Anyone thinking of going trick-or-treating as Mulan? I will provide a great video below this paragraph. Also, has anyone ever wondered why Mulan is wearing white make-up? Well, just for some cultural awareness, white skin was seen as beautiful back then. Today, white skin is still a beauty standard around Asia. In Korea, China, Philippines, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and many more countries in Asia, people there adore white skin. You can see this in their entertainment industry especially the ones appealing to teens. Although, it's different here in America and Europe where a lot of people love to tan. Interesting, right? In my opinion, I agree with Michelle Phan (the person in the video below showing how to do Mulan's bride look) that all skin colors are beautiful. Video on how to do Mulan's bride look:
Although, I am a bit worried if the judges would even consider my entry as it is a Disney kids movie and it wasn't action-packed or happy. I don't know if my entry would appeal to the judges at all. Anyway, it's the least I should worry about as there are about five entries last I checked. I wonder if there will even be 10 people to participate at least. My entry is different and I had a lot of fun going back to my childhood memories. I even watched a Disney movie again.
Lastly, sorry to disappoint, but I have absolutely no pictures taken over the week to share, meaning I didn't play at all. This week is Mid-Terms week and next week is also Mid-Terms. The only thing Fiesta-related that I did this week was the making of my video. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy the work I've been doing over the week. My MVP video entry:
Here's the Mandarin version of my MVP entry. The singer of the Mandarin version is Coco Lee. I think she did a good job on the song and it fits my entry very well.
Thanks for reading or watching. See you all next week and hopefully I'm not dead by all the studying next week!