Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Art: Signatures of the Past

Honeying: Yo Lemonbomb...
Lemonbomb: What?! We are taking a picture.
Honeying: Why you ugly?
Lemonbomb: Wtf? Shhh look at the camera!
Honeying: What's wrong with your face?
Lemonbomb: Stfu, look at the camera or I will...hit you!
Honeying: So it comes to pet abuse?
Lemonbomb: ... Just look happy for the picture.
Honeying: Omg my eyes! >_<
Lemonbomb: Sigh...
Description: This is the Happy Art part of my blog. This shows screenshots, videos, signatures, and other creations that make me happy. These blog posts can be short as the art will do all the talking.

Good evening. :]

I decided to make a blog post of all my old signatures. This post was inspired by MissusDolly's post: Shifting Signature Styles and I believe it's the perfect time to post this as I'm about to make a signature contest in August. All of these signatures bring back a lot of memories. Anyways, here are all of my old signatures:
This was my signature in Teva. I had a mage and she was my decomper. This was shot by Elderine's storage. To get this, I used Photobucket to edit (I'm probably the only one who uses Photobucket to edit my signatures) this and I sharpened the image to get this result. It looked really interesting at the time and I decided to use it as my signature. The skill I used was the HP and SP conversion skill, life tap.
This signature was made by my guild leader, Akamori. This was made when I was on my archer in Bijou and just recently moved from Teva. When this signature was created, I was about level 50 or so. This was back in 2008. The guild was named ChanterOfElegies. It was one of my first guilds and my family guild.
Another signature made by Akamori. It was one of my favorite signatures. I really love it! I was level 70 or something when I got this signature.
Made by Akamori. This one is very cute and I believe I was level 79 at the time and there was a level cap of 79. Thank you Akamori!
I was still in ChanterOfElegies during the making of this signature. The cap was raised and I made a signature of my own. Again, you can see my Photobucket edits. Lol... Also, yes Cherrybomb is not feeling well... QQ
I made this out of boredom. Nothing too special, but it was dedicated to Akarii. You can see more Photobucket edits...
Wow, this brings back a few memories. This was edited using Photobucket, of course. I was playing with the colors and I wanted to give a bad impression. Someone did compliment me on this and I was sort of happy about it haha.
Oh! This is Peachbomb. This is so girly lol. I used Photobucket and I guess this was around valentine's day or something. My cleric was level 40 and I was running while using the skill immune. This was an old animation.
A signature dedicated to Akarii. Now, Akarii and Akamori are two different people, but both were my friends. They called each other twins. Thanks for the good memories. :]
This signature was inspired by the skill in this screenshot. I was using nature's speed and I really loved the shot that I made.
Oh! One of my favorite signatures! This was the last signature on my FrostFruit account before I lost the password to it. In the signature, I was chatting with Akamori and we were going to wear disguises so Akamori's evil twin, Akarii, wouldn't notice us.
This signature was made during my Cypion visit. The mage in the signature is named Jujubebomb. I focused on that character only instead of having multiple characters. Cypion was new at the time and I was mainly a merchant. Not my type of thing to do in Bijou.
I believe this was during my Legel visit with Akarii. She was ANBU20. Anyone remember the ANBU invasion in Legel? It was all Ryekarayn. I didn't even know it was them and Akarii told me about it. To get this signature, I took lots of screenshots randomly and I ended up with this result. The words were inspired by Katy Perry's song, "I Kissed a Girl".
Another signature made by me using Photobucket. I used the bronze effect. It was suppose to resemble an old picture.
I got this signature from a friend in my school and I found it very funny when I first saw it.
This was a weird signature and in this signature I was trying to make my character look like an old person. However, I took this signature off real quick after being my signature for a few days.
My archer was level 90 or something and this was made around Halloween. My archer was the witch and her bow was the broom she flew on.
This is my Ryekarayn signature. You can even see this in my twitter background. Akarii made this for me and she was the one who suggested I join Ryekarayn. My visit in Ryekarayn was short, but I really loved what that guild stood for. Thank you Akarii/Sharlyne for the opportunity.
I had this signature for some time. A cute creature and the words associated with this signature were along the lines of, "Don't mess with me!D:<" or something cute and you really couldn't take this guy seriously.
A signature that was made by plushie_kitten. I wanted to fit all my characters into one signature. It was a difficult task and this was the result. I didn't like it when I received it, but I appreciate it much more now.
Lol is all I can say for this signature...
I had a contest some time ago. It didn't go well (I hope the contest I'm planning doesn't end up like this contest) and this was the only signature made by darkdragononikai. I didn't even use this as my signature at all, but the one who made it put some work into it. Some people were trying to bribe me by making me signatures for sparkcash, but I refused and I wanted to be fair in the contest.
This one was made by emilylalala. It is a chibi and it was very popular for many people. I love this signature and I was wearing a honeying shirt. Before I got this signature, I was leveling to 90 and once I reached that goal, I believe, I asked her to make me one. It looks very cute!
Akarii made this one for me and is currently something I use for my blog. We used to cause a lot of trouble to each other and I guess this inspired Akarii to make this.
This is currently my signature at this very moment. I don't know what it is, but I got it from my friend, Akarii. This laughing guy is cute and he could look sarcastic as well. I believe he's an onion or something from what I read on the forums.

That sums up all my signatures since 2007 in Fiesta Online. Most of my signatures are either cute or funny. For my signatures, I love the color blue. I also don't mind how professional it is. I love the creativity. I also like dialogue on my signatures. I don't usually make my own signatures and I usually ask others to make them for me.

Well, thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed this post. This is my 20th post for July! Blogging all of these posts for this month took a lot of my time and I will probably reduce the amount of posts that I do make in a month so I can actually play the game haha! Anyways, I'm going to make a signature contest very soon. My laughing guy signature has got to go! He's been my signature for awhile now. I need a new change and so does my blog.

Bye and thank you! Hope you all had a good July and I can't wait for what's planned for in August!

Fiesta Store: Cherrybomb Versus Peachbomb

Remi: What do you think you are doing there...NUB?
Plumbomb: can see me?
Remi: Don't think that I cannot see you. I have cameras all over. The moment you pass that unnoticeable sign...
Plumbomb: Psh!
Remi: Don't psh me. Oh, and good luck with my Remi's Rare Finds!
Plumbomb. I hate you, your Rare Finds...
Remi: There's nothing you can do about it. :]
Plumbomb: ...and I hate your box! D:<
Remi: Hate is such a strong word...
Description: This is the Fiesta Store part of my blog. I do reviews, rants, or talk about anything that has to do with the Fiesta Store.

Good afternoon!

There seems to be a sibling rivalry between...
That nub fail ranger that no one parties!
The cleric that PvPs and must definitely fail in healing others!
What is the problem that these two are facing? Well, recently in Bijou, Peachbomb has been getting the know the EYE...yeah the EYE! People have been giving Peachbomb the EYE and how about Cherrybomb? She has been getting the same treatment as archers do in getting parties. Which means no. Which means she must be ugly. Which means Cherrybomb is mad.

Anyways, for some odd reason, people seem to like how Peachbomb looks as opposed to Cherrybomb and I wonder why. Why is Peachbomb so popular with the eyes while Cherrybomb is not? Is it because of Peacbomb's hair? Or is it her eyes? Well, both of their faces are similar... Maybe it's because Cherrybomb is an archer? Lol! Another possible reason is that Peachbomb is a cleric and yes many have told me I'm good at healing. Meh. I'll probably never know the reason why others prefer Peaches over Cherries. Maybe it's just a preference. As for me, I love Cherrybomb more, but no one shares the same interest as me it seems. Just like fruits, people are going to like what they are going to like...

So, what do you guys think? Peachbomb? Or Cherrybomb? Which one and why? Do you guys have a character that receives more attention than another character?

I'll be changing how Cherrybomb looks soon (not because of this post), but it's because Cherrybomb is a PvE character and my PvE characters usually have friendly faces. I really wanted a discount on the Deluxe Beauty Shop Coupon as I really don't like spending money on looks, and once I choose a look I probably will never change it again. That concludes this post. Have a good day and see you all soon! :]

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Item Discussion: Interesting Items, Item of the Week, and Items I'm Currently Looking for in Bijou

Limebomb: All the treasure in the world...
Description: This is the Item Discussion part of my blog. Anything that has to do with items I find interesting, items that I want, armor, items that I sell, and just items in general...will be posted here.

Hi again...

Before I go to sleep, I just needed to post this blog post. It will feature some items of course and also items that I'm currently looking for (which is the main purpose of this post). Before I list the items that I'm looking for, here are some interesting items in Bijou right now:
A level 60 shield with godly stats. It has 30 end, 24 dex, and 27 spr. The price is about one gem.
I don't know if it's just me, but even though I don't have a lot of money I love to look at godly items. I guess it's some sort of motivation for me to work much more harder for them. All I can do is just watch in envy...haha.
Just another item that I'll probably never buy...
A level 70 blue wand that caught my eye. The price is 40g though. Although, I really need a wand for two of my mages. I ended up not buying it. For some reason, I believe I should have bought it. Although, sometimes I'm glad I didn't go through that decision... Oh wells, I don't see that item these days and someone must have bought it already. Most blue wands on my server go for about 50g-70g. Godly blue wands are around one gem.
Just another item I would like to have, but probably wouldn't buy it as I don't have the money. If you can't see it, they are SL ranger boots with high end and spr. Spirit you ask? For my archer, I prefer end/spr on gears as opposed to the popular end/dex. I just love my magic defence! xD
Expensive, expensive, expensive...
Hmm, this BK wand is going for one gem and 55 gold. It's very expensive. About a week ago, I saw a much more godlier item than this. It had 40 end, 40 dex, and 30 spr, but the price was 80g. My guild told me that the price range for that godly wand priced at 80g was 50g-80g. I should have bought it, but I was poor. 
Tier five scroll recipes!
So, I found a few recipes for under five gold which is good. The average price for tier five scroll recipes is about five gold. However, the next day, I found the same recipes in another store for 500s. I kind of QQed about it for awhile...
Omg, shining dust prices rose...It went from 10s to 14s...
Pearbomb with a level 40 mace, 50 shield, 58 pants, and 35 Mismatching armor for the win!
Hmm, I'm seeing a lot of level 20 weapons +6 going for one gold.
A typo on a learning scroll. For a second, I thought this was a composition learning scroll for shining gem dust, but it's for luster...
Item of the week!
Level 54 boots with one dex!
Found any items that you are interested in? How about any items that you got recently that is interesting?
List of Items That I'm Currently Looking for
  1. Tier five vitality learning scroll
  2. Level 60 fighter shield with decent end +9
  3. Level 70 blue wand +10
  4. GOC 1h fighter
  5. Cheap secret lab ranger pants, top, crossbow OR malephar crossbow
  6. 75 archer set
  7. Tier five potion recipes
  8. Level 55/65 fighter gears +9
  9. GOC rings +9 (2)
  10. Trixter +9 weapon level 40
  11. LN set for prestiges
These are items that I'm currently looking for. I'll be editing it from time to time. Also, I don't have the money to buy all of these items at once, but this list consist of all the possible items I will need in the future. It's also to let people know that I'm a potential buyer of these items. I'll update this list on a later date, and I'll probably will be making a thread on Bijou's Marketplace tomorrow.

Thanks for reading! Have a good night and I'll see you all tomorrow...time to sleep.

Saturday Update: Level Up to 60, Torturer King, and Nice Changes

Cherrybomb: Nubdated... :]
Description: This is my Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.

Good evening~! :]

I haven't been playing too much this past week as my Internet was down for some time. I'll be sharing pictures since Thursday. My last update was last Wednesday so this update will be somewhat short. I've been on my full end cleric and fighter as usual. I've been meeting a lot of new people so that's great. I've also been meeting up with powerlevelers who have been powerleveling on spots that have my quest mobs which is very irritating to me. Enjoy my pictures for the past week~! :]
Who killed Plumbomb?!
I was testing out Nature's Aim at the time. Good job for the fixes!
I love the new animation. Thank you very much!
Maria was moved to here just recently.
Doing some repeats with a friend.
TachibanaKanade! I said I would and I did!
Hehehe...Thanks for visiting my blog!
Doing some quests with an archer. I think I was slowing him down...QQ
Thank you for the MD kill, party!
Trying to re-create FatalLace's lure and run technique here.
Fighting Torturer King!
Lol... He got stunned!
Woot! I win!^^
Level 60 on Pearbomb. :]
Pearbomb taking aggro.
Guavabomb to level 60!
Hugs for Elderine. :]
It was a fun week even though I didn't do much. I'm still behind schedule and I got to do my level up quests for Pearbomb and Guavabomb. I'll be recording a video about the level up quest and I'll be posting it soon possibly. Just a reminder, I'm having a contest soon for signature artists. I'll also be changing my blog soon with the addition of my new signature. I got lots of things planned for next month and it will also be my last month of summer vacation. As far as characters go, I'll be leveling my cleric Peachbomb to prestige. That sums up the week!

How was your Saturday? Anything new this past week? How do you like this past week's maintenance?

Thank you for reading! I'll see you all later. Hope you have a good Saturday and a good night. :]
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