Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Update: A Chance at Lucky House and My Discovery of New Changes

Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives!
Description: This is my Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.

Hello... :]

I just finished all my mid-terms on Friday. I was studying all week and the tests were easy, but they were all on the same day. Lucky me...

Now, I can finally relax for a bit. This past week, I only had time to log on today.When logging on, there were a lot of new things and it was refreshing to me. The first thing that caught my eye in Elderine was this...
I love the new (old*... I haven't been on in awhile to notice the changes lol) decoration. Although, there weren't a lot of changes in Elderine except this hands-in-the-air thingy by the Forest of Mist gate. That reminds me, Halloween is very soon! Happy Halloween! Unfortunately, I won't be trick-or-treating. I probably will just do the treating or maybe just treating myself and tricking the kids... Hmmm...

When I logged on, I tried to check if the chat emotes would work because I've been reading on the forums about how irritating it can be. Although, it doesn't work for me for some reason. I guess it was changed just recently...
Don't just stand there! You are getting bombed this very second. Argh!
Another nice change had something to do with the maps in-game. I kind of like the new change...
As you can see, you can change the map's transparency. Pretty cool. :]
What would it look like when a transparent map is over a transparent ranger? Check it out...
Looks digital and interesting. Well, for me it's very interesting haha. Hmmm, I might use this picture in the near future probably...
Anyway, aside from these interesting changes, I would like to share some pictures I took today. Hope you guys enjoy the remaining pictures!
Ok, so the deal here is that this guy on his high horse would not let me in. Now even NPCs hate nubs??? Or is it because I'm an archer? Anyway, I punched him on the way out. Serves him right!
I was really curious about winning those highly prized weapons and that car from the Lucky House. So, I tried my luck there with Pearbomb.
Pear failed me. :[
It was Lime's time to shine!
Dang! No Lime! Don't gamble your life away... QQ
How will Lime's sister Lemon do?
%^#$%$#@ ... I mean aww. You've tried your best!
I had such a great time in Lucky House even though I didn't win any car or any godly weapons. I camped all my nubbombs by Elderine's Lucky House Guide. So, if there is a long line at Lucky House... don't blame me! Blame OutSpark and OnsOnSoft! Thanks again OutSpark and OnsOnSoft for this new addition! Anyway, what happens when a HolyKnight tries her luck at Lucky House? Find out!
Wish me luck!
Ok, so I'm choosing the blue orb instead of the red orb. This reminds me of The Matrix for some reason. Is OnsOnSoft a fan of The Matrix? Hehe... Oh wait! What did the blue pill mean in The Matrix?
Dang! I chose the wrong pill! I mean orb. Whatever... >.>
I got fireworks. At least that's something right?
Besides the blue and red orbs, there were also slot machines that I tried as well. I won a few more coins and I loved the new experience...
I think I will be spending a lot of time (for whatever time I do have while in college) at the Lucky House. Also, I will be collecting video views as well. What are video views you may ask? It's something new that OutSpark introduced a few days ago. (Visit the video feature here: Watch Video and Earn Free Items.) All you have to do is watch a video until the end and you will gain a view. You can gain five views a day and there will be five new videos each day. You can exchange these views for sparkcash items. So far, I have 20 views. I originally wanted to spend it on rations (which cost 15 views), but now I'm saving it for possible new items. This is the thread that is currently discussing the new feature: FREE Premium Items. One suggestion I have is that I would open five tabs and watch all the videos at the same time to save time. For example:
Thanks again for the new additions. It has given me some incentive to log in and to be a little more active in Fiesta. I think these new changes may lower the price for warp scrolls as I have gotten quite a number of Uruga, Roumen, Elderine, and Sand Hill warp scrolls. It seems that this will also lower the amount of money in the system which will help with the inflation in Fiesta currently. I have seen quite a few amount of people in the Lucky House which is good. It's a very good change in my opinion. I guess one goal of mines is to level Guavabomb to 70. At level 70, I believe I can buy 100,000 tokens instead of just 10,000 tokens. I really want those awesome weapons... I'm glad I didn't buy any Secret Lab or Malephar weapon because I can just go to the Lucky House for a chance at the second strongest weapon in the game. Although, it's not that easy to get one. It's still somewhat rare. The forums can be misleading at times. Sigh... or maybe I'm just not lucky. QQ

Well, thanks guys for reading. Have a good night and have a Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday Update: My Silver (LCD) Screen MVP Entry and How I Chose My Entry

Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives!
Description: This is my Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.

Good afternoon!

I am in the process of editing my MVP entry as I write this and so far so good! The deadline is in three days or so, and I'm glad I had the time to work on an entry and finish it. (For those interested in my entry, it's at the bottom of this post. Enjoy!) The making of my entry took me about 20 hours or so total spread out to three days which gave me a large headache for three days. Although, I couldn't resist the fun of making my entry and sharing it to the OutSpark community. In the process of making my entry, I first thought of doing Titanic in where Jack and Rose are "flying". Here's the scene I wanted to portray...

Although, it was too epic for me to copy and I couldn't find anyone to do this with me. Also, I can't seem to find any place to resemble the place that this scene takes place in at all or make actions that resemble their actions. After some thought, I wanted to do Jurassic Park! Rawr!

This movie is probably one of my favorite movies from the past. Although, the problem with trying to re-create most scenes from Jurassic Park is finding out how to get dinosaurs in my scenes. In the video above, I wanted to re-create this scene of running dinosaurs. An idea of mines to try and copy this scene was to try and gather a whole bunch of phouches or any monster and record them as dinosaurs as they run back. I also thought of going to Burning Rock because there are dead dinosaurs there and try to re-create a scene in the beginning of the movie which is around 0:14 in this YouTube clip below:

Choosing a movie for my entry was a bit difficult. For a few days, I kept thinking of the "right" movie to choose. I looked at all the other entries and most were for adults. I kept on searching on YouTube for ideas and I kept checking back on the MVP thread for ideas. I skimmed a few posts and this post gave me some sort of inspiration if I can describe my feeling best. I decided I wanted to do my entry based on an animated movie!

I was not sure what I wanted to choose for my entry though. I thought of choosing a Japanese animated movie of some sort. Japan produces a lot of quality animated movies compared to the rest of the world. I also thought of doing some Korean drama based entry just for fun. At the moment, I am hit by the Korean Wave so I like anything to do with Korea. (If anyone is interested in Korean culture, then please visit Ask a Korean's blog who provides a lot of insight about Korea.) Here's a Bobby Lee spoof of Korean dramas lolz:

However, my main concern was if the OutSpark community would be familiar with a Japanese animated movie (I also don't know of many) or even a Korean drama at that. Although, I was determined to pick an animated movie for my entry. It had to be an animated entry!

After much research on YouTube, I stumbled onto some Disney movies. At that point of time, I knew I was going to make my entry based on old animated Disney movies. After laughing and crying at my childhood memories, I finally chose my movie. My entry was to be based on Mulan.

Why Mulan? It was one of my favorite Disney movies of course and one of the songs in the movie was very memorable. I also identified more with Mulan than any other old animated Disney movie. Also, the scene that I was basing my entry on was easy to find similar places around Isya. The moment I saw the scene that I was going to work on, I knew of all the places that were actually very similar as if Isya was based on Mulan.

I then started working on my entry after finding the "right" movie. I wanted it to be simple and short and to show places in Isya as very beautiful since the art in Mulan is very beautiful and created well. I wanted to create a similar atmosphere. I had to slow down a few scenes as the scene I chose was very slow and not as fast as the other entries. The scene I chose to replicate starts at 0:55 in the clip below:

Here's the Mandarin version of Reflection. This gives me a chance to review for my Chinese class. Hehe... I personally think that the Chinese version suits Mulan more when she sings Reflection since Mulan is based off of China. Although, Lea Salonga's version is better in my opinion considering that she is a great singer...

I had a bit of trouble trying to imitate the first part of the video so I was limited on the second half of the video. I couldn't find people to play the parents of Mulan and also the cricket and the horse. As for choosing the role of Mulan, it was a difficult process. Lots of pretty faces, but none of them were fit for the role. Out of many contestants, I chose Jujubebomb from the server Cypion. (Sorry Bijou!) Just a little background information about Jujubebomb's name, Jujube fruits can be found from Asia or South Asia and around China. So Mulan and Jujube had a connection in the place they are from. Plus, Jujubebomb had characteristics similar to Mulan. I couldn't imagine using Cherrybomb (red-headed tiny ranger on the background of my blog) to play Mulan.

Another reason why I chose Jujubebomb was that the scene of Mulan singing Reflection (the real singer behind Mulan singing is Lea Salonga, one of my favorite singers from the Philippines aside from Charice... Filipinos are very good singers) took place after she met with her matchmaker. As in, she met with some fat lady to meet her future husband. Scene:

So the reason Mulan is disappointed in the Reflection video is because she failed and let her family down as you can see in the video above. This is just some background information about the scene I chose. Jujubebomb's costume fits very well with the situation that Mulan had experienced just recently with the matchmaker. Her costume is the red wedding costume and so Jujubebomb was probably the best choice I had to play as Mulan. I didn't want to pay money to get a character to look similar to Mulan as I already had Jujubebomb!

Anyway, it's almost Halloween! Anyone thinking of going trick-or-treating as Mulan? I will provide a great video below this paragraph. Also, has anyone ever wondered why Mulan is wearing white make-up? Well, just for some cultural awareness, white skin was seen as beautiful back then. Today, white skin is still a beauty standard around Asia. In Korea, China, Philippines, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and many more countries in Asia, people there adore white skin. You can see this in their entertainment industry especially the ones appealing to teens. Although, it's different here in America and Europe where a lot of people love to tan. Interesting, right? In my opinion, I agree with Michelle Phan (the person in the video below showing how to do Mulan's bride look) that all skin colors are beautiful. Video on how to do Mulan's bride look:

Although, I am a bit worried if the judges would even consider my entry as it is a Disney kids movie and it wasn't action-packed or happy. I don't know if my entry would appeal to the judges at all. Anyway, it's the least I should worry about as there are about five entries last I checked. I wonder if there will even be 10 people to participate at least. My entry is different and I had a lot of fun going back to my childhood memories. I even watched a Disney movie again.

Lastly, sorry to disappoint, but I have absolutely no pictures taken over the week to share, meaning I didn't play at all. This week is Mid-Terms week and next week is also Mid-Terms. The only thing Fiesta-related that I did this week was the making of my video. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy the work I've been doing over the week. My MVP video entry:

Here's the Mandarin version of my MVP entry. The singer of the Mandarin version is Coco Lee. I think she did a good job on the song and it fits my entry very well.

Thanks for reading or watching. See you all next week and hopefully I'm not dead by all the studying next week!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday Update: Guavabomb, Run Away From the Crystal Castle Zombie!

Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives!
Description: This is my Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.

Hi everyone...!

I have been playing on my fighter Guavabomb for the past week. I reached level 61 the other time and so I was able to do the level 61 Crystal Castle Zombie repeats. I bothered my brother to party me so I could enter Crystal Castle and finish my repeats by myself. We had to reparty like 10 times until we got to the Zombie floor. So, thanks to my brother I was able to level from level 61 to 64 in a couple of hours. This past week, I was only able to do Crystal Castle because I'm sort of busy. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the pictures I've taken.
I finally got the Zombies!
Lol... Just when I killed one Zombie the Zombie says,"Oh!". It made me laugh the first time I saw it.
Run from the scary Zombie! I've noticed that I like to run (or kite) a lot. Even on my Saturday Update picture and my Random picture... I am running haha. Perfect timing for Halloween!
Time to face my fears!
Axe mode. D:<
Me trying to copy the statue behind me. I look less majestic...
Level 63!
Opps... I brought two... Run away! ><
Well, Crystal Castle restarted again and I don't know the reason why. I had to wait for my brother to log in and here I am AoEing Orcs for fun... yay.
After some time of Orc killing, I found a way to restart Crystal Castle by waiting outside a couple of minutes until I got this message. I would click yes so I can restart the dungeon without quiting the party and bothering my brother like five times an hour lol.
However, I got DCed I believe after some time and maintenance was in 30 minutes or so. I didn't want to bother my brother anymore so I went on to get my last few % in 70 abyss.
Level 64! Although, I was too slow to take the picture. QQ
That's all my pictures! Believe it or not, these were all taken on Tuesday. I have a bad habit of taking too many pictures... I couldn't really play this past week because I have school. I really want to post more on the forums, but at the moment the forums are dull. I will be working on my MVP video tomorrow. I'm not sure when I will finish, but I hope I can finish it on the same day. I plan to level Guavabomb to 70. (Beware!) I am so close, but my mid-terms are next week. Oh yeah, it's almost Halloween! There have been a few changes within the game which includes some changes on the maps and some new monsters as well. Although, Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but Christmas is. During December, I plan to blog a little more, post more on the forums, and play more. This October, I'm just way to busy to do anything right now...

Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy your evening or morning or afternoon. See you all next week!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Random: Humans, Elves, and The Abused Slimes

Papayabomb: Omg, run horsey! Run like the wind!
Description: This is the Random part of my blog. This features creative posts, and well...random stuff.

The most abused monster on Isya is the wide-eyed purple slime.
The slime is the epitome of a nub.
The slime's habitat is in green forests. The green and purple combination of colors displays a similar appearance of a children's hero, Barney. The life expectancy of a slime is 10 seconds. In rare cases, 10 minutes. 1000s of slimes are killed each day by newborn Isyans in their quest to become stronger. However, in more cruel cases, some bored Isyans use their most powerful skill to test their damage on these innocent-looking monsters. This is the reality on all servers and possibly throughout the world. It is said that slimes used to be cruel Isyans in the past and as a punishment by Isya they were born as slimes.

Slimes only attack when provoked and are an easy target for all classes. In extreme nub moment cases, one Isyan dies for every 1,000,000 slimes. The probability of dying is 0.0000001%. In cases where an Isyan dies by a slime, the person is advised to not log on for a month because of embarrassment and bullying. In a country far away, some Isyans have established a law to ban people who are reported to have been killed by a slime. Unfortunately, reporting Isyans is difficult as the slimes (who can be used for evidence) who have killed an Isyan are usually KSed quickly by a nub and the evidence disappears. Sometimes, the reporters are accused of seeking attention or holding a grudge. While the chance of dying from a slime is rare, it does happen. The best advice is to keep this information stuck in the past.
Size comparison against a below average elf.
In Isya's horrible history, slimes have been killed in order to achieve level 79 during the level 79 cap. The act of capping on slimes seems to be popular among many Isyans. Isyans speculate the reason why this happens is because we all started training on slimes and so they end it (capping) on slimes. Videos of capping on slimes:

Capping on slimes still happens today on all servers.

A long time ago, there was a group called the Slime Busters. The organization was responsible for controlling the slime population. Any Isyan could join, both good and evil, to kill these pests. The Slime Busters went on missions to kill as many slimes as they could. The missions were called Slime Busters Unite! Example of a Slime Busters Unite! mission:

In one extreme case never to be forgotten, one of the members killed the slimes inhumanely. He killed the slimes by beheading the slimes. He gathered enough members to practise unusual and evil rituals. The reason for his actions are unknown, but it was reported that his girlfriend died by a slime. Some argue that his girlfriend was powerleveled and deserved to die. The group was banned from the Slime Buster's organization, but they later on created the Slime Head organization.
Picture of a real authentic Slime Head member. Slime Head members wore slime masks that were made by beheading real slimes. Slime masks were used in ancient rituals. Many fake slime masks can be seen today and are sold as souvenirs.
The Slime Head organization believes that slimes are "not worthy". Many slimes were tortured and used as a sacrifice. One example of a sacrificed slime lives in Moonlight Tomb. The Slime Head organization was cited for cruel and inhumane acts and the members were sentenced to Collapsed Prizon's top security. Both of the organizations were closed down. However, the Slime Busters Unite! missions still remain today. Recently, the name was changed to King Slime's Counterattack.

Despite the atrocious actions that humans and elves have inflicted onto the slime community, many others have made an effort to have close relations. Humans, elves, and slimes understand the problems that have happened in the past and want a better future. Many groups have been formed to protect slime rights and slimes have agreed to not attack Isyans unless attacked. However, problems still exists between the three groups in today's society.
A poster created to stop slime abuse.
The poster above states,"We must be the change we wish to see." If Isyans do not want to see abuse happening today then Isyans must do something about it to see change. Some Isyans have taken young orphaned slimes as pets and it is very popular among the teen community to have a slime pet. Although, for many, it is not as appealing as the honeying pet. It is still progress for better relations with the slime kingdom.
An Isyan with her new slime pet, Nub.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Update: Leveling My Fighter, Getting HK LN Gears, Random Guilds, Bug I Discovered, and MVP Event

Cherrybomb: The slimes are coming! The slimes are coming! Everyone in Roumen run for your lives!
Description: This is my Saturday Update. A Saturday Update summarizes what has been going on for the past week in Fiesta. It's an entry of my goals for next week, what goals I have accomplished, some pictures, my experiences, and what I have been doing or what I haven't been doing. It gives me some time to reflect on what has been happening in Fiesta. It may be short or long depending on how busy I am.

Hi hi~!

How is everyone's Saturday? My week was wonderful. I got to do some things in-game and although I had limited time I enjoyed every minute. I was able to level Guavabomb and now I can do the Crystal Castle repeat. In this week's maintenance, the experience system was changed to discourage powerleveling. Personally, I do not like powerleveling at all and I am happy with the attempt. Although, I do know some people who are not in favor of it and some of my guildies quit because of this decision. On my blog, I made a few changes here and there, a background change, new polls added, and I added the signatures I got from Cherrybomb's Contest as you can see on the right of my blog. I'm happy that I am able to use all the signatures I got from my contest. Also, just to let others know that there is an experience boost going on to celebrate OutSpark's fourth anniversary. Congrats! I know I'm very late! I didn't know haha... Anyway, I would like to share some pictures I've taken over the week:
I am in Burning Rock on Guavabomb. I am clueless as to what fighters solo on and I remember reading on the forums about people grinding in Burning Rock. So, I went ahead to check if it was a great place to level. In my experience, it's fine, but I tend to use a lot of tier three HP potions.
Run with me!!!
I feel so pro. Here's a picture of me AoEing some mobs in Burning Rock. Even with +9 gears, the mobs hit somewhat hard and I had to kite them a bit. For some reason, my habit of kiting on my archer has made me kite on my cleric and fighter as well. When I kite on my cleric, I feel like I heal better...
Ok, so I died in Burning Rock because I lured too much. I was too confident in my tanking abilities. So, I went to the nubby playground 7x abyss!
Cool AoE screenshot!
Compared to Burning Rock, 7x abyss is just as good...if not better. This was where I used to train Cherrybomb and it's still a great place to train today.
I'm with CHriSSy_Girl here. She's level 104 now. I'm very far behind in levels... >.< We are LN farming and we make a good duo!
A close screenshot of CHriSSy and the anaconda!
Crikey! The anaconda is taking control of CHriSSy's weapon!
Yeee! My LN helm! Thank you so much CHriSSy! <3
I like taking random screenshots. Problem? D:< Nah nah... but this is just an interesting screenshot of Awaken I believe.
I'm running LN with CHriSSy. I do not feel safe at all when we do this. The only skill I can use safely is Invigorate.
I don't usually run LN after the second boss because of how the mobs are placed right after. However, I can run with CHriSSy. All the times I have attempted to run this with a party...I ended up dying. It's still a scary experience lol...
Who is that sexy holy knight standing there all cool-like? Oh. That's me. Thank you CHriSSy for the LN pants. <333
Oh ya, this message was added right after this week's maintenance. It's kind of annoying.
In order to join DaBarKadz (my main guild), you need to be level 75. I left my cleric in the academy, but I was banned... >.> So, I joined some random guild for fun. It's called IBEPLAYINGTHE.
The same thing happened to Gauvabomb. Although, I joined another guild which I have never heard of called Forbidden_Foxes. I like the name and the guild has a good amount of active people. There's no guild buff, but it's better than all the random guilds I've joined that are inactive.
I hate mages!!! NPC mages...and real mages. I'm not joking! Yes...I am. </3
Here's the location I train at in 7x abyss. It's comparable to the north room experience an hour. I go from this room to this room:
I go back and forth. Please don't PK me because you will get owned! Badly! D:< No seriously, don't PK me I'm full end and a nub. I don't think I even know how to stack. What is stacking??? u.u 
Level 61!!!
After I leveled, I found out about a bug. I forgot my inventory was full, but I was still able to purchase my skill scrolls. The scrolls went to the third page. Weird...
As you can see, my third bag is not activated. I was still able to use the skill scrolls. Anyway, don't break the rules! Be a good Fiesta citizen! Fight crime and evildoers!!! (How many times did I use the exclamation point on this entire post? Lol.)
That ends all my pictures. Next week, I will be leveling my fighter Guavabomb most likely. I'm getting used to school and I am finding time to play a little more than I usually do. I also plan to join this MVP event: The Silver (LCD) Screen! I'm joining the video category because my art skills fail obviously. The video category is awarding ten winners! The honorable mentions will win a permanent item. Frick the camera! D:< Unless it's an uber camera then maybe I may try to put a lot of effort into my entry. I will just make some 10 second video with bad quality and make some scene that is nothing like what I'm basing it off of and just call it an art interpretation. I'm joking, but I don't expect a lot of people to join. I hope! I really like some of the poster entries such as Zplrolwe's Transformer entry and tohru_kun's Tomb Raider entry. FatalLace even made a video entry:

I like this entry...on YouTube this morning hehe. Good luck FatalLace! I hope I have enough time to make my entry. I'm aiming for an honorable mention and I think I might base mines off of Titanic lol. Well, that ends my Saturday Update! Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy your Saturday or whatever day it is in your country. Good night!
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